Browse 28 auction sales with hammered prices at Polswiss Art Sp. z o.o auction house.
- Warsaw, Poland
- N/A
- Dec 11 2017 , Dec 12 2017
- Results: 73 lots by 54
Total lots estimates:
PLN 11,833,000-PLN 15,765,000
- Sale total: PLN 9,932,000
- % Lots Sold: 100.00%
High auction price:
PLN 1,000,000
- Show more detail
- 1 sold above estimate
- 1 sold within estimate
- 71 sold below estimate
0 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- N/A
- May 22 2017 , May 23 2017
- Results: 62 lots by 52
Total lots estimates:
PLN 6,830,000-PLN 8,533,000
- Sale total: PLN 6,232,000
- % Lots Sold: 100.00%
High auction price:
PLN 700,000
- Show more detail
- 2 sold above estimate
- 23 sold within estimate
- 37 sold below estimate
0 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- N/A
- May 30 2016 , May 31 2016
- Results: 88 lots by 68
Total lots estimates:
PLN 6,453,500-PLN 8,222,500
- Sale total: PLN 5,585,500
- % Lots Sold: 65.91%
High auction price:
PLN 1,000,000
- Show more detail
- 6 sold above estimate
- 19 sold within estimate
- 63 sold below estimate
30 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- N/A
- Feb 29 2016 , Mar 01 2016
- Results: 87 lots by 71
Total lots estimates:
PLN 5,873,000-PLN 7,069,000
- Sale total: PLN 4,486,000
- % Lots Sold: 64.37%
High auction price:
PLN 1,580,000
- Show more detail
- 6 sold above estimate
- 22 sold within estimate
- 59 sold below estimate
31 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- N/A
- Feb 10 2016 , Feb 11 2016
- Results: 43 lots by 43
Total lots estimates:
- Sale total: $195,434
- % Lots Sold: 62.79%
High auction price:
- Show more detail
- 0 sold above estimate
- 11 sold within estimate
- 32 sold below estimate
16 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Mar 10 2015 , Mar 10 2015
- Results: 70 lots by 53
Total lots estimates:
PLN 4,220,000-PLN 5,072,000
- Sale total: PLN 1,982,000
- % Lots Sold: 42.86%
High auction price:
PLN 450,000
- Show more detail
- 2 sold above estimate
- 4 sold within estimate
- 64 sold below estimate
40 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- May 12 2014 , May 12 2014
- Results: 101 lots by 101
Total lots estimates:
- Sale total: 4,500
- % Lots Sold: 0.99%
High auction price:
- Show more detail
- 1 sold above estimate
- 100 sold within estimate
- 0 sold below estimate
100 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Dec 11 2012 , Dec 11 2012
- Results: 50 lots by 50
Total lots estimates:
PLN 20,500-
- Sale total: PLN 100,900
- % Lots Sold: 92.00%
High auction price:
PLN 6,000
- Show more detail
- 46 sold above estimate
- 3 sold within estimate
- 1 sold below estimate
4 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Apr 25 2012 , Apr 25 2012
- Results: 64 lots by 45
Total lots estimates:
PLN 5,288,000-PLN 7,128,000
- Sale total: PLN 2,037,500
- % Lots Sold: 45.31%
High auction price:
PLN 275,000
- Show more detail
- 1 sold above estimate
- 21 sold within estimate
- 42 sold below estimate
35 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Mar 05 2012 , Mar 05 2012
- Results: 48 lots by 48
Total lots estimates:
PLN 23,500-
- Sale total: PLN 159,800
- % Lots Sold: 100.00%
High auction price:
PLN 12,000
- Show more detail
- 48 sold above estimate
- 0 sold within estimate
- 0 sold below estimate
0 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Feb 27 2012 , Feb 27 2012
- Results: 61 lots by 50
Total lots estimates:
PLN 4,188,000-PLN 4,765,000
- Sale total: PLN 2,195,500
- % Lots Sold: 50.82%
High auction price:
PLN 260,000
- Show more detail
- 1 sold above estimate
- 9 sold within estimate
- 51 sold below estimate
30 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Nov 26 2011 , Nov 26 2011
- Results: 73 lots by 56
Total lots estimates:
PLN 2,993,000-
- Sale total: PLN 2,805,800
- % Lots Sold: 50.68%
High auction price:
PLN 455,000
- Show more detail
- 37 sold above estimate
- 8 sold within estimate
- 29 sold below estimate
36 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Oct 01 2011 , Oct 01 2011
- Results: 71 lots by 52
Total lots estimates:
- Sale total: 2,298,600
- % Lots Sold: 63.38%
High auction price:
- Show more detail
- 45 sold above estimate
- 26 sold within estimate
- 0 sold below estimate
26 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Jun 06 2011 , Jun 06 2011
- Results: 108 lots by 107
Total lots estimates:
PLN 54,000-
- Sale total: PLN 128,300
- % Lots Sold: 83.33%
High auction price:
PLN 6,100
- Show more detail
- 90 sold above estimate
- 0 sold within estimate
- 18 sold below estimate
18 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Feb 20 2011 , Feb 20 2011
- Results: 105 lots by 103
Total lots estimates:
PLN 52,500-
- Sale total: PLN 142,800
- % Lots Sold: 96.19%
High auction price:
PLN 5,500
- Show more detail
- 101 sold above estimate
- 0 sold within estimate
- 4 sold below estimate
4 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Nov 27 2010 , Nov 27 2010
- Results: 104 lots by 101
Total lots estimates:
- Sale total: €33,606
- % Lots Sold: 81.73%
High auction price:
- Show more detail
- 85 sold above estimate
- 0 sold within estimate
- 19 sold below estimate
19 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Feb 27 2010 , Feb 27 2010
- Results: 76 lots by 61
Total lots estimates:
PLN 2,834,000-PLN 3,356,000
- Sale total: PLN 2,001,000
- % Lots Sold: 52.63%
High auction price:
PLN 335,000
- Show more detail
- 4 sold above estimate
- 14 sold within estimate
- 58 sold below estimate
36 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Oct 03 2009 , Oct 03 2009
- Results: 73 lots by 63
Total lots estimates:
PLN 3,182,700-
- Sale total: PLN 1,689,100
- % Lots Sold: 53.42%
High auction price:
PLN 180,000
- Show more detail
- 39 sold above estimate
- 0 sold within estimate
- 34 sold below estimate
34 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- Feb 28 2009 , Feb 28 2009
- Results: 72 lots by 54
Total lots estimates:
PLN 3,921,800-
- Sale total: PLN 1,650,410
- % Lots Sold: 45.83%
High auction price:
PLN 265,000
- Show more detail
- 33 sold above estimate
- 0 sold within estimate
- 43 sold below estimate
39 not
- Warsaw, Poland
- May 31 2008 , May 31 2008
- Results: 58 lots by 50
Total lots estimates:
PLN 3,318,400-PLN 3,830,000
- Sale total: PLN 1,845,071
- % Lots Sold: 53.45%
High auction price:
PLN 360,000
- Show more detail
- 9 sold above estimate
- 21 sold within estimate
- 28 sold below estimate
27 not
There are currently no upcoming public auctions at Polswiss Art Sp. z o.o listed.
Since 1990, the Polswiss Art Auction House has gathered around it a unique group of the Polish business elite, art collectors, painting connoisseurs and personalities from the world of culture, organizing exhibition openings and art auctions in its gallery .
We accompany collectors in their passion. We advise on investments and mediate in sales. We are honored to be a partner of many cultural and business events and co-create charity auctions. We regularly organize Auctions of Works of Art presenting an offer of the highest quality old and contemporary painting. We promote the most outstanding personalities of the current art scene at the Latest Art Auctions and support young talents in their debut on the auction market.
Since 1990, the Polswiss Art Auction House has gathered around it a unique group of the Polish business elite, art collectors, painting connoisseurs and personalities from the world of culture, organizing exhibition openings and art auctions in its gallery .
We accompany collectors in their passion. We advise on investments and mediate in sales. We are honored to be a partner of many cultural and business events and co-create charity auctions. We regularly organize Auctions of Works of Art presenting an offer of the highest quality old and contemporary painting. We promote the most outstanding personalities of the current art scene at the Latest Art Auctions and support young talents in their debut on the auction market.
Since 1990, the Polswiss Art Auction House has gathered around it a unique group of the Polish business elite, art collectors, painting connoisseurs and personalities from the world of culture, organizing exhibition openings and art auctions in its gallery .
We accompany collectors in their passion. We advise on investments and mediate in sales. We are honored to be a partner of many cultural and business events and co-create charity auctions. We regularly organize Auctions of Works of Art presenting an offer of the highest quality old and contemporary painting. We promote the most outstanding personalities of the current art scene at the Latest Art Auctions and support young talents in their debut on the auction market.