Oil on canvas Rockport Harbor scene shows the connected red building at the end of a wharf in Rockport Harbor. Several people are seen on the dock with two in small rowboats. A sailboat is moored at end of the dock
Pencil sketch of harbor scene shows several boats leaving the harbor with other boats with men aboard. The city of Gloucester is seen on a low hill in the background
Pencil sketch of a harbor scene showing two-mast sailboat going out of harbor with docks, man in boat and other ships against a hillside backdrop with buildings
Oil on canvas scene shows a man with bib overalls cleaning fish on a wood stand. A dory is beside with small boy and another dory is beside a dock area. Boats are seen in background moored in a tranquil water area with coastline beyond
Oil on canvas scene shows two men on beach cleaning fish with boat beside. They stand next to wooden crate/table. A harbor scene is in background with moored boats and cliff side coastline
Oil on board sunset scene shows a man adrift on a makeshift raft with white flag on long pole. He looks out on the horizon and sees a passing freighter as the sun is setting nearby
Oil on canvas scene shows an old woman in a Windsor rocker mending a bonnet. An open window has sunlight shining through with landscape outside. She sits next to a tavern table with a pewter pitcher and plate with fabric