Oil on canvas
91 cm - 146 cm (35.83 in - 57.48 in)
Estimated price : €6,000 - €8,000
Pierre Berge & Associés - Brussels,Dec 14, 2014
Oil on panel
32 cm - 48 cm (12.6 in - 18.9 in)
Estimated price : -
Sold for: Signedin to unlock
Hôtel de Ventes Vanderkindere s.a. - Brussels,Oct 11, 2010
49 cm - 57 cm (19.29 in - 22.44 in)
Estimated price : €300 - €400
B.V. Venduehuis der Notarissen - The Hague,Sep 09, 2008
Engraving in color
50 cm - 60 cm (19.68 in - 23.62 in)
Estimated price : €400 - €600
B.V. Venduehuis der Notarissen - The Hague,Mar 27, 2007
Realized Price
Min Estimate $5,341
Max Estimate $7,171
There are currently no signatures by F De Wit listed.