Le Soleil Était Sorti du Ventre de la Nuit (The Sun Came out of the Belly of the Night)
Théo Tobiasse (French, 1927 - 2012)
ZAR 4,000 - ZAR 6,000
Pastel on paper
Works on paper
70 cm - 50 cm (27.56 in - 19.68 in)
Signed / Inscribed
Signedin to unlock
Modern, Post-War and Contemporary Art, Jewellery and Wine
Oct 11, 2020
Le Soleil Était Sorti du Ventre de la Nuit (The Sun Came out of the Belly of the Night)
ZAR 4,000 - ZAR 6,000
Pastel on paper
Works on paper
70 cm - 50 cm (27.56 in - 19.68 in)
Signed / Inscribed
Signedin to unlock
Strauss & Co | Online
Oct 11, 2020

Les temps ont changé depuis le Mont Moriah (Times Have Changed Since Mount Moriah)

Lithograph on paper
53 cm - 70 cm
(20.87 in - 27.56 in)

Le Petite Fille et la Vieil Homme (The Little Girl and the Old Man)

Color Lithograph on paper
52 cm - 48 cm
(20.47 in - 18.9 in)

Moi et la Sulamite (Me and the Shulamite)

Screenprint on paper
49.5 cm - 65 cm
(19.49 in - 25.59 in)

Romeo et Juliette

Color Lithograph
50 cm - 66 cm
(19.68 in - 25.98 in)

Personnage dans un paysage

Gouache on paper
120 cm - 158 cm
(47.24 in - 62.2 in)