Stella, "Benjamin Moore Series", 1961
Richard Pettibone (American, 1938 - ?)
€40,000 - €60,000
Acrylic on canvas, in artist’s frame
20.9 cm - 15.8 cm (8.23 in - 6.22 in)
Painted in 1965.
overall: 8 ¼ x 6 ¼ in. (20.9 x 15.8 cm.); signed, titled and dated '"Stella, 'Benjamin Moore Series' 1961" Richard Pettibone 1965' (on the stretcher)

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Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sale
May 16, 2024
Post-War & Contemporary Art
Stella, "Benjamin Moore Series", 1961
€40,000 - €60,000
Acrylic on canvas, in artist’s frame
20.9 cm - 15.8 cm (8.23 in - 6.22 in)
Painted in 1965.
overall: 8 ¼ x 6 ¼ in. (20.9 x 15.8 cm.); signed, titled and dated '"Stella, 'Benjamin Moore Series' 1961" Richard Pettibone 1965' (on the stretcher)

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Christie's | New York
May 16, 2024
Post-War & Contemporary Art

Andy Warhol, ’Flowers,’ 1965

Acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas, in artist’s frame
17.8 cm - 17.8 cm
(7.01 in - 7.01 in)

Duchamp Profile

Oil on canvas, in artist´s frame
15.8 cm - 15.8 cm
(6.22 in - 6.22 in)

Edward Ruscha, "Standard Station (with 10 cent Western Being Torn in Half, 1964)," 1963

Acrylic and graphite on canvas, in artist´s frame
20.9 cm - 26 cm
(8.23 in - 10.24 in)

Guy Bourdin, "Le Soir et un Fête," French "Vogue"

Polaroid print with applied acrylic paint
8.9 cm - 11.4 cm
(3.5 in - 4.49 in)

Helmut Newton, "Les Temps de Joyaux," French "Vogue

Polaroid print
8.9 cm - 11.4 cm
(3.5 in - 4.49 in)

Helmut Newton, "Two Models in My Studio, Paris"

Polaroid print with applied acrylic paint
8.9 cm - 11.4 cm
(3.5 in - 4.49 in)

Andy Warhol, 'Orange Disaster'

Acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas
63.2 cm - 48.9 cm
(24.88 in - 19.25 in)

Jasper Johns, ‘Disappearance II,’ 1961

20 cm - 20 cm
(7.87 in - 7.87 in)