An Image of Salome / A Bound Portfolio
Roberto Eucharen Matta (1911 - 2002)
$300 - $500
Woodcut and wood engravings of varying sizes on Troya paper
Prints & Graphic Art
59.8 cm - 44.4 cm (23.54 in - 17.48 in)
Signedin to unlock
American & European Works of Art
Sep 26, 2017
An Image of Salome / A Bound Portfolio
$300 - $500
Woodcut and wood engravings of varying sizes on Troya paper
Prints & Graphic Art
59.8 cm - 44.4 cm (23.54 in - 17.48 in)
Signedin to unlock
Skinner | New York
Sep 26, 2017