Untitled (Three Heads/Skulls)
Robert Hodgins (South African, 1920 - 2010)
ZAR 12,000 - ZAR 15,000
Ink on paper
Works on paper
29 cm - 42 cm (11.42 in - 16.54 in)
40 by 52 by 3cm including frame; inscribed with the artist's name, the title and medium on a label adhered to the reverse

May ART with a focus on Seasons
May 12, 2024
Estate Late Robert Hodgins.
Wilhelm van Rensburg and Jan Neethling (2019) Robert Hodgins: Drawings from his Studio, exhibition catalogue, Johannesburg: Jan Neethling, illustrated in colour on page 13.
Hodgins House, Johannesburg, Robert Hodgins: Drawings from his Studios, December 2019.
Untitled (Three Heads/Skulls)
ZAR 12,000 - ZAR 15,000
Ink on paper
Works on paper
29 cm - 42 cm (11.42 in - 16.54 in)
40 by 52 by 3cm including frame; inscribed with the artist's name, the title and medium on a label adhered to the reverse

Strauss & Co | Online
May 12, 2024
Estate Late Robert Hodgins.
Wilhelm van Rensburg and Jan Neethling (2019) Robert Hodgins: Drawings from his Studio, exhibition catalogue, Johannesburg: Jan Neethling, illustrated in colour on page 13.
Hodgins House, Johannesburg, Robert Hodgins: Drawings from his Studios, December 2019.