Depicting a classically dressed woman reclining on the beach surrounded by a variety of navigational instruments while a gunship
Richard Blome (British, 1635 - 1705)
Prints & Graphic Art
13.75 cm - 8 cm (5.41 in - 3.15 in)
Signedin to unlock
Auction 22/02/2014
Feb 21, 2014
Depicting a classically dressed woman reclining on the beach surrounded by a variety of navigational instruments while a gunship
Prints & Graphic Art
13.75 cm - 8 cm (5.41 in - 3.15 in)
Signedin to unlock
Eldreds | Massachusetts
Feb 21, 2014

A General Map of Shropshire with it's Hundreds

35 cm - 30 cm
(13.78 in - 11.81 in)

A Mapp of Ye County of Northumberland

31.5 cm - 26 cm
(12.4 in - 10.24 in)

ish A Mapp of the Country of Norfolck

Engraving in colour
32.5 cm - 24.5 cm
(12.8 in - 9.65 in)

Gentleman's Recreation

35 cm - 22 cm
(13.78 in - 8.66 in)

English The Gentleman's

Engraving in colour
21 cm - 34 cm
(8.27 in - 13.39 in)

A Map of the County of Mounmouthshire, with Hundreds

12.25 cm - 9.5 cm
(4.82 in - 3.74 in)

A Map of the County of Leicester with its Hundreds

26 cm - 32 cm
(10.24 in - 12.6 in)