Untitled (Collaboration)
Lionel Smit, Danny Myburgh, Wilma Cruise, Nicola Taylor, Colbert Mashile, Diana Hyslop (South African, 1900 - ?)
ZAR 6,000 - ZAR 8,000
Etching on paper
Prints & Graphic Art
59 cm - 88.5 cm (23.23 in - 34.84 in)
image size: 59 by 88,5cm; sheet size: 80,5 by 113cm, unframed, by all six artists, dated '15, numbered EV 5/8 in pencil and embossed with the MK&AW chopmark in the margin

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Modern and Contemporary Art: Line | Colour | Shape | Form
Nov 26, 2023
Modern & Contemporary Art
Untitled (Collaboration)
ZAR 6,000 - ZAR 8,000
Etching on paper
Prints & Graphic Art
59 cm - 88.5 cm (23.23 in - 34.84 in)
image size: 59 by 88,5cm; sheet size: 80,5 by 113cm, unframed, by all six artists, dated '15, numbered EV 5/8 in pencil and embossed with the MK&AW chopmark in the margin

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Strauss & Co | Online
Nov 26, 2023
Modern & Contemporary Art