La Suite Vollard
Pablo Ruiz Picasso (Spanish, 1881 - 1973)
€800,000 - €1,200,000
Paper on Montval laid paper, watermarked Picasso or Vollard
Works on paper
34 cm - 44.5 cm (13.39 in - 17.52 in)
Executed between 1930 and 1937
Each Sheet circa: 13 3/8 x 17 ½ in. (34 x 44.5 cm.); the rare complete set of one hundred etchings, aquatints and drypoints, of which fifty signed 'Picasso' (lower right), this set is from the edition of 260 published by Ambroise Vollard, Paris, 1939

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Impressionist and Modern Works on Paper
May 17, 2024
Impression & Modern Art
La Suite Vollard
€800,000 - €1,200,000
Paper on Montval laid paper, watermarked Picasso or Vollard
Works on paper
34 cm - 44.5 cm (13.39 in - 17.52 in)
Executed between 1930 and 1937
Each Sheet circa: 13 3/8 x 17 ½ in. (34 x 44.5 cm.); the rare complete set of one hundred etchings, aquatints and drypoints, of which fifty signed 'Picasso' (lower right), this set is from the edition of 260 published by Ambroise Vollard, Paris, 1939

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Christie's | New York
May 17, 2024
Impression & Modern Art

Tête (Head) (recto and verso)

recto: wax crayon on paper; verso: ink and wash on paper
37 cm - 27.3 cm
(14.57 in - 10.75 in)

Visage aux Traits en X (Face with X-Shaped Features)

Terracotta plaque, partially engraved, with black engobe and glaze
16.5 cm - 16.5 cm
(6.5 in - 6.5 in)

Le Peintre et son Modèle (The Artist and His Model) (1143)

Aquatint etching on paper
41.5 cm - 47.5 cm
(16.34 in - 18.7 in)

Picador (A. R 162)

Earthenware ceramic pitcher, in a custom-made box
14 cm - 0 cm
(5.51 in - 0 in)

Service Visage Noir Assiette K (Black Face Service Plate K)

Painted and glazed white earthenware
0 cm - 0 cm
(0 in - 0 in)

Femme, fleurs et oiseaux (recto); Trois têtes d’hommes (verso)

Brush and pen and black and India inks and ink wash on paper (recto and verso)
49.5 cm - 60.3 cm
(19.49 in - 23.74 in)

Citrons et verre

Oil on canvas
26.7 cm - 41.3 cm
(10.51 in - 16.26 in)

Tête de femme

Pen and black ink on paper
65.4 cm - 50.2 cm
(25.75 in - 19.76 in)