A silhouette of Vice Admiral Sir Richard Grindall KCB (1750–1820), profile to the left, wearing coat with buttons and epaulette,
Isabella Beetham (British, 1753 - 1825)
£400 - £600
8.3 cm - 0 cm (3.27 in - 0 in)
Signedin to unlock
Auction 08/04/2010
Apr 07, 2010
A silhouette of Vice Admiral Sir Richard Grindall KCB (1750–1820), profile to the left, wearing coat with buttons and epaulette,
£400 - £600
8.3 cm - 0 cm (3.27 in - 0 in)
Signedin to unlock
Apr 07, 2010

Silhouette of a gentleman

4 cm - 3 cm
(1.57 in - 1.18 in)

Silhouette of a lady

Ink paper and ink
4 cm - 3 cm
(1.57 in - 1.18 in)

A bust-length silhouette of a Gentleman

8.5 cm - 0 cm
(3.35 in - 0 in)

A silhouette of a young Lady

9.5 cm - 0 cm
(3.74 in - 0 in)

Pair of silhouettes of gentlemen

Unknown oval
9.5 cm - 7 cm
(3.74 in - 2.76 in)

A silhouette of a Lady

Painting on glass, backed with card
7.8 cm - 0 cm
(3.07 in - 0 in)

A silhouette of Sir G. Elliott

Painting on the reverse of glass, backed with wax, verre églomisé border, turned wood frame
8 cm - 0 cm
(3.15 in - 0 in)