Godsend, from the Icon series and Flying Hight, from the Dreams series
Bertil Vallien (1938 - ?)
€4,000 - €6,000
20.4 cm - cm (8.03 in - 0 in)
each inscribed 'Kosta Boda B. Vallien' and numbered with serial numbers (on the undersides)

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The Collection of Sir Elton John: Love, Lust and Devotion
Feb 08, 2024
Modern & Contemporary Art
Godsend, from the Icon series and Flying Hight, from the Dreams series
€4,000 - €6,000
20.4 cm - cm (8.03 in - 0 in)
each inscribed 'Kosta Boda B. Vallien' and numbered with serial numbers (on the undersides)

Signedin to unlock
Christie's | Online
Feb 08, 2024
Modern & Contemporary Art