23) Abstract
Frank Lobdell (American, 1921 - ?)
Prints & Graphic Art
15 cm - 19 cm (5.91 in - 7.48 in)
(23) Abstract Lithographs and Monotypes, unframed, sheet size 15" x 19" to 22" x 30", some black & white, some color. Good condition. Per the Richmond Art Center, CA: "A series of prints created by Frank Lobdell during his fellowship at the Tamarind

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Summer Auction Weekend - Day 3
Aug 26, 2017
23) Abstract
Prints & Graphic Art
15 cm - 19 cm (5.91 in - 7.48 in)
(23) Abstract Lithographs and Monotypes, unframed, sheet size 15" x 19" to 22" x 30", some black & white, some color. Good condition. Per the Richmond Art Center, CA: "A series of prints created by Frank Lobdell during his fellowship at the Tamarind

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Aug 26, 2017