Bomber Lansin
Rammellzee (American, 1960 - 2010)
€20,000 - €30,000
Spray Paint and felt-tip pen on card
Mixed Medias
29.5 cm - 44 cm (11.61 in - 17.32 in)
Executed in 1983
titled ‘BomBer LANSIN' (on the reverse)

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20th/21st Century: Amsterdam
Nov 06, 2023
Modern & Contemporary Art
Bomber Lansin
€20,000 - €30,000
Spray Paint and felt-tip pen on card
Mixed Medias
29.5 cm - 44 cm (11.61 in - 17.32 in)
Executed in 1983
titled ‘BomBer LANSIN' (on the reverse)

Signedin to unlock
Christie's | Online
Nov 06, 2023
Modern & Contemporary Art