fig. 373(c)
Anton Karstel (1968 - ?)
ZAR 8,000 - ZAR 12,000
Oil on canvas
54.5 cm - 42 cm (21.46 in - 16.54 in)
56,5 by 45 by 6,5cm including frame; inscribed with the artist's name and the title on the reverse

Signed / Inscribed
Signedin to unlock
Modern and Contemporary Art with a focus on Alice Goldin
Sep 10, 2023
Modern and Contemporary Art
fig. 373(c)
ZAR 8,000 - ZAR 12,000
Oil on canvas
54.5 cm - 42 cm (21.46 in - 16.54 in)
56,5 by 45 by 6,5cm including frame; inscribed with the artist's name and the title on the reverse

Signed / Inscribed
Signedin to unlock
Strauss & Co | Online
Sep 10, 2023
Modern and Contemporary Art