Alternando da uno a cento e viceversa (Alternating from one to one hundred and vice versa)
Alighiero Boetti (Italian, 1940 - 1994)
€120,000 - €180,000
270.4 cm - 290 cm (106.46 in - 114.17 in)
Executed in 1993.
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Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sale
May 16, 2024
Post-War & Contemporary Art
Alternando da uno a cento e viceversa (Alternating from one to one hundred and vice versa)
€120,000 - €180,000
270.4 cm - 290 cm (106.46 in - 114.17 in)
Executed in 1993.
Signedin to unlock
Christie's | New York
May 16, 2024
Post-War & Contemporary Art