A group of fve views and three portraits from Captain Cook’s second voyage to the Pacifc, including: - ‘The Fleet of Otaheite (Tahiti) Assembled at Oparee’ - ‘A View in the Island of Rotterdam’ - ‘General View of the Island of Otaheite’ (Tahiti, Bearing South-east) - ‘Boats of the Friendly Isles’ - ‘Resolution Bay in the Marquesas’ - ‘Monuments in Easter Island’ - ‘Otoo King of O-Taheite’ - ‘Potatow’ - ‘Family in Dusky Bay, New Zealand’
Le Sage, after William Hodges (French, 1700 - ?)
€600 - €800
Watercolor and ink
16.2 cm - 20.3 cm (6.38 in - 7.99 in)
seven signed ‘Le Sage’ (lower left); eight variously inscribed in French

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Travel & Exploration
Nov 26, 2023
A group of fve views and three portraits from Captain Cook’s second voyage to the Pacifc, including: - ‘The Fleet of Otaheite (Tahiti) Assembled at Oparee’ - ‘A View in the Island of Rotterdam’ - ‘General View of the Island of Otaheite’ (Tahiti, Bearing South-east) - ‘Boats of the Friendly Isles’ - ‘Resolution Bay in the Marquesas’ - ‘Monuments in Easter Island’ - ‘Otoo King of O-Taheite’ - ‘Potatow’ - ‘Family in Dusky Bay, New Zealand’
€600 - €800
Watercolor and ink
16.2 cm - 20.3 cm (6.38 in - 7.99 in)
seven signed ‘Le Sage’ (lower left); eight variously inscribed in French

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Bonhams | Online
Nov 26, 2023